In honor of our 45th Anniversary this year, we’re looking back and celebrating our amazing employees who have been tirelessly dedicated to making Vidanta a perfect paradise for your family.
We’ve shared unforgettable memories over the last 45 years and we’re so thankful for the opportunity to keep inspiring your happiness for generations to come. None of this would have been possible without our incredible employees and the important work they do. They are the people behind the scenes working hard to make your vacation absolutely seamless and perfectly accommodated. They are the foundation to our legacy and are at the heart of everything we do.
Because Vidanta has been around for 45 years, many of our employees have enjoyed long and exciting careers here, growing professionally as the company has grown. In order to get a glimpse at what it’s like to witness Vidanta’s evolution over the years, we sat down with two of our long-time employees to discuss why they’re so excited to be a part of this extraordinary journey.
Erika Georgina Meza, the General Manager of Construction for Grupo Vidanta, has been with the company for 20 years and has seen her career skyrocket since she first started. “My professional career has greatly developed since I first started at the company. The dreams I had when I first chose this profession came true. I tell everyone who is starting their career with us that there is no place too small to start, as long as you’re dreaming big,” said Ms. Meza.
Jesus Torres has also been with the company for a long time, almost 12 years. He started working as a Golf Course Manager in Vidanta Nuevo Vallarta, then quickly became the Director of Golf, in charge of three golf courses. “Accepting the position to work at Vidanta was one of the best decisions I ever made,” said Mr. Torres.

Jesus Torres, of Vidanta Golf.
Both Ms. Meza and Mr. Torres have seen the company drastically grow and change over the years. Ms. Meza told us that, “The best part of the job has been seeing all the growth that the company has made year after year, and having the opportunity to grow professionally along with it. It is amazing to see a company transform so quickly.”
Along with great growth, both Mr. Torres and Ms. Meza agreed that Vidanta is known for treating its employees with great respect. “The golf staff is always doing their best to create a great atmosphere with great relationships on a daily basis,” said Mr. Torres. Ms. Meza said that she felt the same: “My strength and inspiration come from the support of the entire team that surrounds me because every day we overcome thousands of obstacles together to make all these projects possible.”

Erika Georgina Meza, of Grupo Vidanta Construction
And it goes a step farther. Ms. Meza pointed out that this respect and appreciation for amazing work attracts top talent, who then make the work environment enriching for their colleagues. “I am passionate about what I do, therefore the result is a fun and happy work environment that ultimately doesn’t feel like work. What sets Vidanta apart from other companies in the industry is its innovation, creativity, perseverance, and high-quality treatment of its workers,” said Ms. Meza.
Thank you so much to all our dedicated employees and loyal guests for this incredible journey. We invite you to join us at your favorite Vidanta destination to keep on celebrating these 45 extraordinary years. Call us at 1-800-292-9446 to book your next vacation!